I Quit Drinking For 100 Days… Here’s What Happened!

At the beginning of my sobriety journey, I wasn’t going to quit at all. I just wanted to go 100 days sober and see what would happen.

This post is all about my experience of going 100 days without alcohol.

I’ll share why I chose to take a break, what happened during the 100 days, and what happened beyond there.

I hope you enjoy it 🙂

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quit drinking 100 days

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Why Quit Drinking?

The choice to quit drinking was years in the making. Like, 10 of them. Though I’ve had a series of incredibly rough times due to past drinking habits, ironically, at the time I quit, my relationship with alcohol was the best it had ever been.

My family and finances were in-tact, I was in good physical and mental health, and my future was exceptionally bright. Moderating alcohol intake was going well, and I even grew confident that I was “cured” of my tendency to abuse alcohol.

It wasn’t a five-day hangover or a missed day of work that motivated me to quit drinking. I hadn’t embarrassed myself or forgotten the happenings of the night before. In fact, it was one 5-ounce serving of wine that pushed me over the edge. One glass.

By the time that glass was empty, I realized that I just wasn’t happy. My head began to hurt a little, and I grew fatigued for seemingly no reason. I looked at the bottle, then at my glass, then at the bottle again. Simone Biles herself couldn’t compete with the mental gymnastics going on in that brain of mine.

I probably feel so crappy because I haven’t had enough! Maybe I should run out and grab another before the store closes. Nobody would know if I don’t tell…

That one unfulfilling glass of wine, the physical weirdness that ensued and all the mental chatter that followed led me to one simple solution. I’d quit drinking for 100 days (without AA)  and see how it made me feel.


It Was Awkward At First

It was odd in the beginning. It shocked my husband since our anniversary, the holidays, and a lengthy vacation were right around the corner. Drinking had always been a big part of all these events, and it was difficult to imagine celebrating them without it.

I didn’t tell many other than my husband. Having “quit” several times before only to relapse in spectacular fashion, I was afraid of failure. The shame of answering a concerned “I thought you weren’t drinking?” was one I knew intimately. So, I chose to commit in silence.

A few times I felt a bit frustrated at the absence of that “special” something that formerly accompanied all manners of emotions and experiences.

Happy to have made it to the weekend? Let’s grab a bottle!

Dinner at a fancy restaurant? May I please see the drink menu, sir?

Upset because the terrible-twos obviously came a whole year earlier than expected? Time for a little mommy juice to unwind!

Without my trusty shots… or wine… or flavored malt beverage, the volume on life did seem to be turned all the way down.

RELATED: 5 Things Nobody Tells You About Early Sobriety


I Survived 100 Days Sober

100 days sober

In spite of it all, I made it! I successfully quit drinking for 100 days!

While for the most part it was manageable, it definitely hasn’t been all rainbows and sunshine. But I never caved. I handled it like the boss chick I am!

So, with a little sober time under my belt, I’m super excited to share with you exactly what you might be able to expect from 100 days sober. 


1- Your tolerance for things you dislike increases

For me, this was driving.

Living in Los Angeles, traffic is always a huge issues.

I realized after the first few week of sobriety that I would be less annoyed by traffic and other inconveniences.

No more road rage for me may manifest differently for you!


2- You may lose weight

I’m still far from my goal weight, but I’ve noticed that even when I’m not perfect with diet and exercise, I still seem to be shrinking!

I used to have a serious problem with bloat, but that seems to have completely subsided.

Though I know I should do way better with logging my food and staying in the gym, I can go several consecutive days without losing any progress.

When I was drinking, slipping off for 5 days or so would take 2 weeks to recover from.

So you may lose weight if you quit drinking for 100 days.


3- You’ll have clearer thinking

I never noticed it before, but compared to how I feel now, I was walking around in a constant haze. I’m not even talking about hangover territory. It is as though there was a base level of how I’d operate, and it was nowhere near as clear and fast as it is now!

I can write faster and process information far more quickly, and my vocabulary is naturally increasing. E

Essentially quitting drinking has made me smarter.

So, if you quit drinking, you may experience much mental clarity within your first 100 days, too!


4- You’ll be more creative

I came up with the idea of starting a blog a while back, but it never materialized. I’ve had other blogs over the years that have never gotten off the ground. I wonder if drinking is why?

About a month after quitting drinking, I jumped into this blog with both feet forward and I haven’t looked back!

It takes lots of creativity to come up with blog posts, site design, graphic images, and social media management.

During the first 100 days of quitting alcohol I got a long way with my new project.

If you’ve got a creative project or hobby, it can only improve if you, too, quit drinking for 100 days.


5- Fewer lazy Sundays

Man, this one is HUGE. One consistent part of my life, no matter what phase I was in, was the lazy Sunday.

It was not unusual to check my Fitbit at the end of such a day, to reveal I’d only taken 386 steps or so. Out of a goal of 10,000? Not cute!

I think I probably would win the award for laziest Sunday. Since quitting I’ve spent way more time outside moving around.

Even if I felt lazy and not like doing much, I’ll still take a quick walk to the park with my toddler or something.

Because cabin fever.

I’m sure these extra bits of motion help keep extra weight off, too.

So, maybe your laziest sober days can rival some of your most active drinking days!


6- You’ll spend your time differently 

Having so much more energy from not drinking, I found myself just desiring to do more.

My mind was way more active and craved different forms of stimulation, so I picked up different hobbies and interests.

I rekindled my love of music and cranked up the musical keyboard my husband got me for my birthday a few years ago.

Instead of drinking all night, sometimes we play fun games together (I recommend Exploding Kittens!)

Life just got… cooler!

If you quit drinking alcohol for a few months, you should expect the same!



7- Meeting New People

Early in my commitment to sobriety, I thought it would be cool to meet others who were sober too.  I found a meetup group not far from home, and even attended a sober holiday party!

This was way out of my comfort zone, but I had a great time and met some pleasant people with interesting life stories.

I ultimately chose not to make sobriety such a main focus of my life and livelihood, but I still communicate with some of my new friends and plan to stay in touch.

Many people become frightened by the idea of a changing social life if alcohol is no longer a thing. But you expand and welcome new people into your life.

It’s not that bad!

8- You’ll Save Money

I didn’t tally up how much money was saved on alcohol, but I remain pleasantly surprised at my bank account at the end of each billing cycle.

I’d estimate it’s at least $500/month between alcohol itself and all the dining out and fast food that takes place after drinking nights.

More money for other things! Who can’t vibe with that?

RELATED: 10 Best Tips To Stop Drinking Alcohol


9- You’ll Be More Compassionate

Perhaps this is a side effect of just feeling better and healthier overall, but I find myself being more empathetic and compassionate for the hardship others may face.

In a way, I’m just so appreciative of my higher quality of life, that I can step outside of myself and resonate with others.

Do you think you could benefit from some of the same?


10- Sugar Cravings

This is probably the only negative side effect of reducing booze intake. In the beginning all I wanted was sugary candy. I did allow myself to indulge because my motto was “anything but alcohol”.

Eventually it got better (but only moderately).

I now indulge in dates as my favorite go-to sugary treat and it’s much better!

If you do quit drinking for 100 days, you should probably have an idea of how you’ll cope with sugar cravings.

RELATED: 7 Signs Your Drinking Is Out Of Control


11- Increased productivity

Previously, it felt that there was always so much to do. Now I can make my schedule for the week and easily knock out all chores and errands with more time to spare. It’s as if extra hours magically appeared in the day and instead of the usual, I feel like I have longer days, even while sleeping longer. That is definitely a welcome change.

What would you do with all that extra time?


12- You’ll be happier overall

Overall I feel I handle the ups and downs of daily life much better. I just wake up… happy. Every single day. Even when things are less than perfect, I still seem to find little reasons to be overjoyed. It may even seem like I’m artificially positive to those on the outside, but for me it’s totally genuine, and I appreciate it!

I used to think I was depressed but nope — just either drunk or recovering from being drunk!


quit drinking for 100 days

13- Clearer skin

I constantly get the reaction “OMG you don’t look 38, you look great!” and this gets me every time.

I really enjoy looking as youthful on the outside as I feel on the inside, so this is a huge plus.

Health is one of the best ways to look more youthful — no botox needed!


14- You’ll be more authentic

As an introvert, I find myself listening far more than I speak. I also, unfortunately, try to assess what I think others might want to hear and sometimes just go along with that to fit in, to a degree.

I feel like alcohol used to be a crutch of sorts, in social situations where I felt out of place.

At this point, I simply don’t attend events where I’m uncomfortable. I also feel way more secure in myself because I’m so mentally clear, if that makes sense?

I feel really good in my own skin and am just way more authentic when I interact with others, and this is insanely beneficial on multiple levels.

Is this something you can relate to?


15- Alcohol-based events get boring

The idea of sitting in a bar has become completely unappealing, whereas pre-baby it was one of the things hubby and I used to do!

On a Sunday afternoon we’d go on a hike, then go to the local bar, have some drinks, chat with the locals and watch whatever football game was playing on screen.

For a time I/we’d lament how we couldn’t have anymore random bar dates since baby boy came along. Now, nothing sounds worse!

Funny how things change like that.


16- You’ll sleep better

I used to think the sleep I got when tucking in for bed after boozing was good, but nah. It’s nothing like how I sleep now! Maybe I sound a bit boring, but I enjoy not only going to bed earlier (I’m rarely up past 10pm these days), but getting better sleep overall is truly refreshing! Now if somebody could teach my baby boy the same trick, we’d all be on the same page!

Are you ready to sleep better? Quit drinking for 100 days!


The Best Resource For Quitting Drinking

Quitting drinking is the best thing that has ever happened to me. Life has improved so much, and I encourage anybody who wants to improve their life to try it.

You don’t have to quit drinking forever. 100 days is a perfect, round number of a challenge.

The book that helped me out in the beginning is The 30-Day Sobriety Solution.

It has some unique processes that helped me survive the early weeks.

Be warned, it is a lot of work. It’s not some quick-fix, but it works.

Once you quit drinking alcohol, you’ll have more time on your hands than you’ll know what to do with.

Diving into a quick program like this is perfect to keep you occupied!

I hope you choose to change your life by challenging yourself to 100 days of sobriety.

It won’t always be easy, but it’ll be worth it.

Alex from Eat Those Plants
Alex from Eat Those Plants

My name is Alex and I'm a passionate advocate of a whole food plant-based lifestyle. Since losing over 40 pounds on a vegan diet I've created the Eat Those Plants website to help you look good and feel great by putting more plants on your plate!