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Dream About a Castle (Symbolism and Meaning)

If you have a dream about a castle, it means that you have a strong need for space and privacy. It can also refer to your desire for wealth and abundance, but this mostly refers to your need for space to expand and live your true desires. Read on to learn everything you need to know about dreaming about castles.



Recurring dream about a castle

If you have a recurring dream about a castle, it means that you are finding no resolution to your need for space, expansion, or abundance.

Even if you think you are making adequate changes in your daily life, they are not manifesting as good enough.

You still feel some sense of discomfort. You feel closed in and like you don’t have the space you need to grow and express yourself authentically.

This dream is telling you to keep working on creating more space in your life, both literally and figuratively.


Abandoned castle in a dream

If you see an abandoned castle in your dream, it means that you have given up on the idea that you will get the space and privacy that you need. You

have stopped striving for more and have accepted your current situation.

This isn’t necessarily a bad thing, but it could be indicative of some unfulfilled desires.

If you feel like you are truly content with your life, then this dream is likely just showing you that you have come to peace with your need for space.


Dream about castle battlements

If you dream about castle battlements, it means that you are feeling protective of your space and privacy.

You might be in a situation where you feel like someone is infringing on your territory or invading your personal space.

This dream is telling you to stand up for yourself and make sure that your boundaries are respected.


Dreaming about living in a castle

If you dream about living in a castle, it means that you feel like you finally have the space and privacy that you need.

This is a symbol of abundance and luxury, and it means that you are enjoying a time of peace and prosperity.

Make sure to savor this moment, and enjoy this space in your life.

If it’s not immediately obvious where you are currently abundant in real life, pay closer attention to other important symbols in your dream.

If you dream of living in a castle and you notice it has a very large swimming pool outside, or even a beautiful indoor pool, for example, this indicates that your emotional needs are being met.

You might also want to consider what kind of castle you are living in. A medieval-style castle with high towers and thick walls indicates that you feel safe and secure in your current situation.

A more modern-style castle with fewer walls and more windows indicates that you feel open and free.


Dreaming about a bouncy castle

If you dream about a bouncy castle, it means that you are feeling playful and carefree.

This is a time to enjoy yourself and not take things too seriously.

Allow yourself to be childish and have some fun. This dream is also a reminder to not take yourself too seriously.


Dreaming about being trapped in a castle

If you dream about being trapped in a castle, it means that you feel like you are in a situation where you have no control.

You might feel like you are in a relationship or job that is stifling your growth and preventing you from expressing yourself authentically.

This dream is telling you to take back your power and find a way to escape the situation you are in.


Dreaming about a big castle

If you dream about a big castle, it means that you have big aspirations.

You might be working on a project or goal that is much larger than anything you have attempted before.

This dream is telling you to go for it and not let your self-doubt get in the way.


Dream about escaping a castle

If you dream about escaping a castle, it means that you are finally free from a situation that was stifling your growth.

This is a symbol of liberation and indicates that you are moving on to bigger and better things.

Pay attention to why you were stuck in the castle in the first place, however.

If it was someone you know, consider what this person represents for you.

If you were escaping because the castle was on fire, this indicates that you are finally ready to let go of something that is no longer serving you and now that you’re free you can finally indulge in your true passions.


Dream about a royal castle

If you dream about a royal castle, it means that you are feeling regal and powerful.

You might be in a position of power or influence in your waking life, or you might simply be feeling very confident in yourself.

This dream is telling you to own your power and use it for good.

If you do not have an obvious position of power in your life, consider what other areas you feel confident and capable in.

You might be surprised to find that you have more power than you realize.


Dream about a witch in a castle

To dream about a witch often represents your desire to transform something (almost like magic.) 

If you have a dream about a witch in a castle, it means that you have a strong desire for more space, privacy and expansion.

Your subconscious mind wants you to acknowledge this desire and take steps to make it a reality.


Final thoughts on having a dream about a castle

In summary, dreaming about a castle usually symbolizes a need for space and privacy.

It can also refer to your desire for wealth and abundance, but this mostly refers to your need for space to expand and live your true desires.

If you have a dream about a castle, pay attention to the other symbols in your dream to get a better understanding of what it means for you.

Thanks for reading!

Oh and by the way…

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Dream About a Castle - What does it mean to dream about a castle? (Symbolism & Dream Interpretation)