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Welcome to our website!

We are six spiritually gifted friends who met at a retreat in Bali many years ago. 

Over the years, we have mastered our respective crafts and have been sharing our collective knowledge, wisdom, and gifts with people from all over the world ever since.

Our mission is simple: we want to spread truth, light, and love by providing deep insight into the spiritual world.

We understand that there is a lot of “fluff” out there regarding spirituality, but we strive to provide honest advice for seekers looking for answers.

With over seven decades of combined experience in tarot & psychic readings, other forms of divination, magic spells, dream analysis, and more – you can rest assured that you’ve come to the right place.

Together let us explore the depths of our souls so that we may all grow closer to enlightenment and raise the collective consciousness of the world.


All the best,
Sober Alley Spiritual Advisers